Films that are fantastic but didn’t quite make the list include Trainwreck, Ant-Man, Avengers: Age of Ultron, Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation, Brooklyn, It Follows, The Martian, The Hateful Eight and (again) so many others. Ultimately, it was tough to narrow it down to just ten films because while it was easy to choose my top three, choosing only seven more proved pretty challenging. There were a lot of great movies in 2015.
I’ve also put together a worst-of-list for the last several years, but I decided not to do that this year. I know that some people look forward to it, but I’ve decided to focus on the positive rather than the negative despite the latter being the bigger draw on the web. And besides, we all know that Pixels was the worst film of the year by a country mile.
So what did make the top list? I’m glad you asked.
The Best Films of 2015 | Awesome Friday!