Greeting programs! This week on the podcast we are discussing Jordan Peele’s latest directorial effort, the UFO horror thriller Nope, and

Greetings programs! This week on the podcast we’re talking about BJ Novak’s feature directorial debut Vengeance, and the Russo Brothers helmed

Greetings, programs, and welcome to a special bonus episode of the Awesome Friday Podcast. In our main episode this week, we

Greetings, programs, and welcome to our one year anniversary! It’s hard to believe we relaunched the podcast a year ago

For our special 200th episode Dakota and Rachel decided to look back at films that made them the movie watchers

Greetings programs! Welcome to the first episode of July, in which we discuss a lovely new movie and the return

In the triumphant return of Kickin’ It With Kendrick, Pierre and Jeff are joined by Matthew Simpson of Awesome Friday

Greetings programs! Dan Mirvish is an award-winning filmmaker known for films like Omaha: The Musical! and Bernard & Huey, as well as co-founding

It’s Lambpardy time! Three more contestants are here to battle it out for movie trivia supremacy, as well as the

Greeting programs! Join us this week as we discuss the upcoming Netflix animated film The Sea Beast, directed by Chris Williams

Greetings programs and welcome to this week’s episode of the Awesome Friday Podcast. Simon is back after his week off

Greetings programs! It’s time for a new episode of the Awesome Friday Podcast! This week we’re looking at a pair

Greetings, programs, and welcome to this week’s podcast! Following a year-long journey from its festival premiere at Fantasia 2021, Mark

Greetings programs! Canadian actor Mark O’Brien has been working steadily since the mid-2000s with roles in CBC’s The Republic of Doyle and

This week on the Awesome Friday Podcast, we’re talking about two big 2022 historical epic films. First up is the