Greetings programs! There is no bonus round this week, but our regular episode is double-sized, and we tackle all of

This year I co-founded the Cascadia Film & Television Critics Association, and as part of our launch we coordinated our

To end 2023 we are having another game themed episode! Earlier this year we celebrated the birth of the James

Greetings programs! This week, we tackle the latest capital-C content from Netflix in Leave The World Behind and then the first new

This year’s inaugural Top Ten films list from the Cascadia Critics is full of excellent picks, including a few I

This week on the show we’re finally catching up with Martin Scorsese’s epic meditation on American sin, Killers of the Flower

This year I contributed to’s top twenty films of the year both with my vote and by writing up

This year, I contributed to’s Best 10 TV series of the year list with both my vote and by

Greetings, patrons! This week, we’re covering the 2023 Whistler Films Festival, one of the most interesting festivals in the Pacific

Criterion Shelf is an ongoing collaborative retrospective of classic films, helmed by Bil Antoniou, tackling curated collections on the Criterion

This week on the show, we’re reviewing the latest video game film adaptation, Five Nights at Freddy’s, and the latest

This week on the show, we’re looking at Anatomy of a Fall and the latest entry in the Marvel Cinematic

And what of the Titans? Interestingly, the show isn’t really about the Titans per se, so they don’t show up

Greetings programs! This week’s show sees us taking on the newest David Fincher movie, The Killer and the new Godzilla TV series from AppleTV+, Monarch: Legacy of

The loudest, most vocal section of fans decrying that “the MCU is in shambles” is interesting because their analysis depth