We’re well past the golden age of Die Hard knockoffs but the formula remains a very reliable onefor making high-grade B-movies if you can assemble the right team to make it. Jaume Collet-Serra has a long history of being one of the best at exactly this kind of movie. He has a knack, a gift you might even say, for taking this kind of trope-y, mildly silly, slightly convoluted movies and reliably turning them into fun, compelling thrillers that are better than anyone would ever expect them to be.
But then Collet-Serra spent the last few years making big-budget movies with The Rock whicheach ended up being… not bad exactly but definitely not the kind of work where his voice as a director can be heard clearly. Indeed, in at least one case it’s so muffled by bad, obviously pre-vizzed special effects action sequences and clauses in The Rock’s contracts that prevent his films from taking any risks, it felt like we might have lost him entirely. Thankfully, he’s back where he belongs, making mid-budget thrillers.
Link: https://movieswetextedabout.com/carry-on-movie-review-jaume-collet-serra-returns-to-form/
‘Carry-On’ Movie Review: Jaume Collet-Serra Returns to Form | Movies We Texted About