Spider-Man endures as one of the most iconic and relatable superheroes. He starts his journey when he’s just a kid, learning hard lessons early about the nature of responsibility — everyone knows the quote — and he spends his time trying to balance his normal life with his superhero life, to varying degrees of success.
Peter Parker, in many ways, reflects us. He’s constantly pulled in different directions, sacrificing the life he wants for the aforementioned responsibility he feels to help the people of New York. We’ve all felt this push-pull of different obligations, wants and needs, and while his includes swinging from buildings, punching super-powered bad guys and making jokes, we all experience the want to do better and the guilt of letting friends down — of missing out on one thing because of another.
This emotional core of Spider-Man is the key to a good adaptation. Almost anything else can be changed, from his costume and powers to his friends and family, as long as that sacrificial core remains intact, the story will feel true and relatable. We’re living through a golden age of Spider-Man adaptations, with No Way Home, Across the Spider-Verseand the recent PlayStation games; we’ve had many distinct and unique versions of the character, but all of whom are recognizably Spider-Man. That golden age continues with the debut of Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man on Disney+.
Link: https://exclaim.ca/film/article/your-friendly-neighborhood-spider-man-series-review-disney
‘Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man’ Stands Alongside Animated Superhero Classics | Exclaim!