Greetings programs! Dan Mirvish is an award-winning filmmaker known for films like Omaha: The Musical! and Bernard & Huey, as well as co-founding

It’s Lambpardy time! Three more contestants are here to battle it out for movie trivia supremacy, as well as the

Greeting programs! Join us this week as we discuss the upcoming Netflix animated film The Sea Beast, directed by Chris Williams

Greetings programs and welcome to this week’s episode of the Awesome Friday Podcast. Simon is back after his week off

Greetings programs! It’s time for a new episode of the Awesome Friday Podcast! This week we’re looking at a pair

Greetings, programs, and welcome to this week’s podcast! Following a year-long journey from its festival premiere at Fantasia 2021, Mark

Greetings programs! Canadian actor Mark O’Brien has been working steadily since the mid-2000s with roles in CBC’s The Republic of Doyle and

This week on the Awesome Friday Podcast, we’re talking about two big 2022 historical epic films. First up is the

Greeting programs! This week, we’re looking at the newly on-demand Uncharted starring Tom Holland and the new streaming nostalgia trip

Greetings, programs, and welcome to a very special episode of the Awesome Friday Podcast. Airplane! is one of the greatest

Greetings programs! Writer and director Emerson Moore’s first feature, Escape the Field, a story about six strangers stranded in an endless

Greetings, programs, and welcome to another episode of the Awesome Friday Podcast! This week we’re taking a look at Celine

Another week, another podcast episode! Join us for discussions of the new Liam Neeson led action thriller Memory and the sophomore effort

J.J. Abrams’ successful yet like-it-or-hate-it plotting is on display in the flashy yet cliche take on the original Star Trek

Hot Docs will run from April 28 to May 8, both in person and virtually. I’ll be covering the festival