Paul Newman and Steve McQueen head an all star cast in the granddaddy of all disaster films, “The Towering Inferno”.

It’s time for another journey into the realm of Animals Attack movies. This time, Todd is joined by Matthew Simpson

So-so box office, lukewarm reviews, and a massive payday for the lead actor led to this movie being labeled as

Greetings LAMBs, you have been recruited by the LAMBcast to listen to this week’s episode, after you do, the Kodan

Even if you don’t believe the Box Office report from opening weekend, that the movie made $666,666, you have to

We continue our series going through the entire catalog of A24’s films. On this episode we are looking at 2015’s Dark

Nine Movies seemed a little overwhelming for a single episode, so Matthew Simpson, of the “Awesome Friday Podcast” suggested that

In this episode of The Austin B Media Podcast, I talk with guest Matthew Simpson of Awesome Friday. We discuss Spider-Man

The Vern’s choice for Movie of the Month was the winner for March, and he hosted the show on 2016’s

Three years ago, the first part of Denis Villeneuve’s science fiction vision of the Frank Herbert book, appeared and was

This month’s selection as Movie of the Month came from a list of Blind Spots submitted by the host. A

The 2024 Oscar nominations have now been announced with Oppenheimer, Poor Things, Killers of the Flower Moon, Barbie and Maestro

Hear ye, hear ye, all rise for the Honorable Lambcast. Enter and be judged. This week, the guests of the

To end 2023 we are having another game themed episode! Earlier this year we celebrated the birth of the James

Rob is back with Matthew Simpson of Awesome Friday as they get to the rolling cast credits and find a