If you like Kaiju movies, particularly the Shōwa Era Godzilla films, then you should give Monster Seafood Wars a try. If you

It’s been a good year for film because it’s always been a good year for film. I already posted my favourite

Well, folks here we are at the end of the year, and what a year it has been. As always,

I know what you’re thinking: December 2019 is a weird time to write about my favourite films of 2018. You

Second, these choices are presented alphabetically except my favourite, which will come last. There are various reasons for this, but

[…] Star Wars was the culmination of George Lucas’ influences but the films that influenced the people making Star Wars movies today are Star

2016 was a good year for film; anyone who tells you differently didn’t see many movies. I’ve already posted my best

…it has been an excellent year for cinema. So much so that when it came time to figure out my

2015 was a good year! I already told you my ten favourite films from 2015, but those ten were hard

Films that are fantastic but didn’t quite make the list include Trainwreck, Ant-Man, Avengers: Age of Ultron, Star Wars: The Force

All in all, I saw over 75 movies released in 2014. Not a huge percentage when you think about it

A few years ago, a young British woman was murdered in Sienna, Italy. The case gained worldwide attention as the

It’s when he doesn’t speak that is most effective, though, in the pauses between lines or the scenes where he

The film does have some issues for me, the main one being a few things were pretty predictable, but these

Pulp: a Film About Life, Death & Supermarkets is an easy film to recommend. If you’re a fan of the band,