[Dan Stevens] Herr König is creepy from the get-go, an over-familiar person in the life of this seventeen-year-old, and Stevens comfortably slides into the narrow void between sociopath and eccentric comfortably; he looks like he might be good, but he feels like something that crawled out of a primordial tar pit, and he’s great fun to watch.
[Hunter] Shafer is a revelation. Her turn as Gretchen runs the gamut of emotion, from rebellion and righteous anger, to heartfelt and caring, and all the fatigue, frustration, ennui, and sorrow in between. She’s giving the film -which is more than a little offbeat- exactly what it needs in every moment. She’s especially good in the first act of the film as Gretchen is acclimatizing to the new circumstances of her life, and bristling against it as many teenagers do -especially in horror movies. Her performance is empathetic and believable, even in the moments where the film comes off the rails
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