Stop me if you’ve heard this one before: Two coworkers, one a little uptight and by the book and the other perhaps a little too loose for their own good, have their fates and jobs intertwined by happenstance. Then, hilarity—with a dash of honesty and vulnerability—ensues. This is the tried-and-true setup of Small Achievable Goals, a new comedy series from Jennifer Whalen and Meredith MacNeill. As the series opens, Julie (Whalen) and Kris (MacNeill) run into each other on their way to work. Julie is the successful producer of a hit podcast and is expecting a promotion, and Kris is an up-and-coming makeup influencer about to expand her brand with her first podcast.
You can probably already see where this is going: Julie is passed over for the promotion despite years of personal sacrifice in favour of someone younger. Kris is told that she will be given a young, hip co-host instead of a solo show. On top of all of this, both women are in their late 40s and dealing with menopause. By the end of the first episode, they realise that to succeed, they’ll need to work together, and to do that -and maintain their sanity—they decide to work on small, achievable goals to help them stay ahead of the game and avoid being replaced entirely by younger employees.
The issue with a familiar premise like this is that it needs something else–a je ne sais quoi, if you will—to hook viewers. Luckily, this show has Whalen and MacNeill, who are both excellent actors and comedians.