This week on the Awesome Friday Movie Podcast, we take on the new Tom Hanks boy-and-his-dog-and-his-robot-post-apocalyptic-road-trip movie Finch and the most expensive

If you have listened to the podcast any time in the last two years, you will certainly know that “No

Lauren Grant is a prolific producer of Canadian film and television, having worked on the series Killjoys as well as the films Riot

The Vancouver International Film Festival came to a close on Oct 11, but before it all ended, Thomas gathered friends

Matthew: How was the production process? I understand you had Taika Waititi on board as an executive producer and a

On this show we are previewing the 40th edition of the Vancouver International Film Festival. It is the largest film festival

Matthew: The whole film feels like it must have been planned to the second; given that, how were you able

Greetings programs, and welcome to a special episode of the podcast. This week we’re doing something a little different and taking a

Greetings programs! We’re back with our 9th episode of the new Awesome Friday Podcast. This week we’re talking about one

600 episodes is a milestone worth celebrating, but we really don’t do that this week. Instead, we let the film